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Yad Ramah Projects


New community center

Due to the fast growth of our community, we are undertaking a new large-scale project – building of the new Yad Ramah community center in Ramot Bet. The state of the art infrastructure of the new center will allow hundreds of existing community members as well as the wide spectrum of those interested in learning more about our unique Jewish tradition to enjoy Yad Ramah’s events and programs.



Yad Ramah synagogue

Yad Ramah currently operates a fully equipped synagogue which holds three daily prayers, regular Torah readings, as well as having our own Kohanim, Leviim, Baal Koreh and Baal Tefillah. For Shabbat services Yad Ramah synagogue offers a large minyan for Russian speaking Jews complete with an inviting women’s section,  professional hazanut and  weekly kiddush.


Monthly Shabbatons

Every Shabbat Mevarhin (Shabbat preceding Rosh Hodesh) the Yad Ramah community gets together for a communal Shabbat morning meal. During this traditional and welcoming event our guests can enjoy a delicious meal and a range of Torah speeches which are delivered by members of our community as well as guest speakers.



Jewish Holidays

Not a single Jewish Holiday passes by without Yad Ramah celebrating it together. From Lag BaOmer and Tu BeShvat to more widely known milestones of the Jewish Calendar — community members and guests will always find warm and inspiring celebrations at Yad Ramah.



Jewish culture

For the last several years Yad Ramah in partnership with the Ministry of Aliyah and Absorption is actively involved in creating unique cultural projects for the Russian speaking Jewish community — documentaries on Jewish history, Jewish culture and their application to modern life, art exhibitions etc.


Childrens programs

Children have their own special community at Yad Ramah! For every Holiday there is an entertaining celebration just for kids, complete with clowns/puppet show/arts and crafts sessions and a children’s menu.


Masa “Yad Ramah”

Masa Yad Ramah is the first program for talented Russian speaking Jewish youth which combines exciting career opportunities with full observance of Jewish traditions and learning Torah at the appropriate level for every student.


Yeshivah and Kollel

Our Yeshivah involves systematic and deep Torah learning which includes Talmud, Halacha, Chumash, Musar, Chasidut and more. Learning is combined with active integration into the Yad Ramah community. We have professional Russian speaking teachers as well as regular classes taught by distinguished Rabbis  and inspiring spiritual leaders.